The news of the changing UK and Ireland GAAP is well known, but are you still playing catch-up? With less than 6 months to go until 2015, how prepared are you feeling?
Why not look over our checklist and see what you’re feeling confident about!
I know...
- the new FRS relate to each other
- ...which part of the new regime I need to adopt
- ...the significant difference from previous GAAP
- employee benefits will be accounted for
- ...the changes to business combinations and goodwill
- ...the requirements for accounting deferred tax under FRS 102
- ...what issues might occur with documentation
- ...consider system and control issues
- ...understand implications for employees, suppliers, customers and other people involved with
my organisation - ...analyse effects on company strategy, policies and regulatory matters
- ...communicate transition issues effectively to those outside the company
It's a great feeling if you've got it all under control. But if you've been putting it off, we've got some courses to make sure you're prepped and ready for the new year and new GAAP.
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