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With the new Budget that came out in the Summer, there have of course been decisions made by the government that will result in changes to the tax system, and therefore changes that will effect working people.

One issue that is ripe for discussion at the moment is that of how the changes will effect tax bills for landlords. In April 2016, the 10% wear and tear allowance for landlords who let out furnished property will be replaced. Instead they will only be allowed to get tax relief when they replace furnishings. Also, going forward there is going to be a reduction in the interest that is able to be offset against income. At the moment, interest is 100% allowable, but in 2019/20 only 25% will be allowed.

You can read more about this at:

Tax is an ever-changing area that accountants need to keep up to speed on, and the courses that we publish at aim to provide you with practical guidance and advice to enable you to understand how best to advise your clients' on tax issues, picking up tips as you go, and understanding the pitfalls. Click here to see our tax courses.

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