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By Brian Plowman

I read the report by ACCA on 'Where next for the global economy'. Interesting stuff. However, when you read about predictions for 2030 you should keep in mind predictions made 20 years ago in 1990 about today. Much that actually has happened has been a surprise. The laws of unforeseen consequences tend to dominate.

One of my personal forecasts was that the UK would take a global lead in developing new energy generation options and make a world leading decision to create a UK wide infrastructure for electric vehicles (much like building the railways). However the amount of investment needed to achieve this unfortunately went to bankers and their ilk.

With this in mind my global predictions for 2030 are that there will always be a handful of people who will work the system to their personal advantage and put the planet more and more at risk. After reading the ACCA report about the future, tensions over resources, I suspect will be the major influence on how nations behave and how ‘entrepreneurs’ will make a few $m.

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