accountingcpd blog

  1. Tackling Late Payment

    Trade credit and financial credit can both be subject to late payment, but enforceable compensation clauses kick in when...

  2. GDPR: The Point of View of the Accountant

    As an accountant you may think that data protection regulations isn't your department's concern. But these regulations actually affect every...

  3. How do Grants and R&D Tax Credits Work Together?

    It's a popular myth that you cannot claim UK Government's Research & Development (R&D) tax credits if you have received grant funding. This...

  4. Warning: European Data Regulations will Affect You

    You might have heard that European data regulations will be changing in 2018. You might have heard the term 'GDPR'. You most probably have thought...

  5. Are You Ready for the New General Data Protection Regulation?

    The objective of the new GDPR is to give EU citizens control over of their personal data, and to simplify the regulatory environment for business....

  6. Spreadsheets Don't Lie

    Spreadsheets are everywhere as the application of choice for model building and data analysis so they must be correct. Is this true?