accountingcpd blog

  1. 5 Tips to Improve Your Work-Life Balance

    It's not unusual to be feeling worn down and it's no wonder why either. This blog features 5 top tips to help improve your work-life balance.

  2. Brexit Means Bribes?

    If the UK government negotiates a 'hard Brexit' and therefore is excluded from the single market, post-Brexit deals with morally bankrupt countries...

  3. The Self- Employment Issue

    The Chancellor did a well-documented hand brake turn with his reversal of the self-employed National Insurance increases. Though he had plenty...

  4. Basel III Promises Huge Shake-Up in Cash Management Products

    The new Basel III rules promise to significantly disrupt some of the flagship services offered by banks to their corporate customers under the...

  5. The Budget: A Broken Political Promise?

    With two budgets this year, there was every chance that this was going to be a bit of a damp squib and largely it was. With the exception of...

  6. How Do I Bounce Back From Difficult Times?

    No matter how good you are at your job, there will always be times when things don't go to plan or you are let down. Here our my tips on how...