accountingcpd blog

  1. Becoming a Finance Business Partner

    Finance business partnering has emerged from changes in the business environment where organisations are thinking about their transactional...

  2. ISO37001: The Latest International Bribery Prevention Tool

    In October 2016, the International Standards Organisation published ISO37001, the anti-bribery management system. Rising public awareness of...

  3. A Year of Landmarks in P2P Business Lending

    Business lending through the new breed of online alternative finance providers – variously known as peer-to-peer or marketplace lenders – has...

  4. The (Tax) Times They Are A Changin'

    Recently I attended the launch of 'The Responsible Tax Lab', a group of diverse individuals and organisations with an interest in tax. Collectively...

  5. FreeAgents IPO Marks a First for UK Equity Crowdfunding

    On November 16, Edinburgh-based online accountancy service FreeAgent floated its shares on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock...

  6. How to Profit From a Ponzi Scheme

    It seems a sad indictment of the human condition that even in this cynical 'seen it all before' age, greed still drives human beings to commit...