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Why use accountingcpd? We help accountants grow by providing high-quality online CPD, that will genuinely make a difference to you in your career.
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choose from either of the free courses below

Using AI in an Ethical Way
Implementing AI systems in accounting requires more than just technical know-how; it demands a strong ethical mindset.
AI offers numerous benefits to finance professionals, from generating financial reports to automating routine accounting tasks. This short course explores prominent examples of AI applications and the ethical considerations each entails.
Learn how to leverage AI responsibly, ensuring you uphold the integrity and trust that are central to the accounting profession.
This free 1- hour course has been taken from AI and Ethics. Discover more about the full 4-hour course here.

Ethics: Dilemmas and Threats
Behaving ethically is a fundamental part of compliance, but it's also crucial in helping build relationships and maintain trust with your clients and customers. More than this, it upholds the reputation of the profession throughout society.
Ethical dilemmas and threats come in many shapes and sizes, so how can you spot and stop these issues before they arise?
1-hour module. This short course has been taken from Ethics in Action: What Would You Do?. You can find out more information about the full course here.