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At accountingcpd we help accountants grow by providing high quality CPD, that will genuinely make a difference to you in your career.

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AI for Accountants

by accountingcpd

Are you ready to embrace the future of accounting with AI? Artificial intelligence is beginning to reshape how accountants strategise, predict, and advise. This course will help you to get to grips with the growth of AI and what it means for the profession, and to develop the tools you need to use AI effectively.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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2023-24 Update: Excel

by Simon Hurst

Microsoft issues new features for Excel all the time, but are you making the most of them? This course delivers the latest Excel updates to help you work more effectively and efficiently, with practical downloadable spreadsheets in each module.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Professional Credibility

by Alan Nelson with Anna Faherty & John Taylor

Building your professional credibility is important in order to be seen as knowledgeable, fair and dependable. Understand how you can do this, with practical steps covering business acumen, professional scepticism, ethics, communication and your authoritative voice.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Excel Productivity Booster

by Simon Hurst

It's easy to find yourself using Excel the same way for years at a time. This course concentrates on a range of practical and simple techniques that can make spreadsheets quicker to set up, easier for the user to use, more automated, and guard against career-threatening errors.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Mental Wellbeing: Avoiding Burnout

by Kirsty Hunter

Mental health issues affect more than half of all accountants and account for the majority of days lost due to ill health. This course offers practical ways to help us maintain our own mental health and help to create a happy and accepting work environment.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Real World Budgeting

by John Taylor

Budgeting is a standard tool in most businesses, but - without care - it can have unexpected consequences and even lead to dysfunctional behaviour. This course explores the challenges of budgeting in the real world, exploring different methods of gaining a deeper insight into the pros and cons of the process.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Cash Management

by Carol Baker

This course explores the delicate balancing act of cash management. It covers controlling cash flows, monitoring liquidity, detecting fraud, and fostering a culture that focuses on cash.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Critical Thinking for Accountants

by John Taylor

Critical thinking is becoming increasingly important for accountants, as businesses look to you to provide insight, analysis and proposals to improve your, or your clients’ business. This course explores critical thinking techniques and provides practical advice on how to use them to benefit the organisations you work with.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Building a Spreadsheet Forecasting Model

by Ross Maynard

This course explains how to build and operate spreadsheets for forecasting, planning and business models. It's a practical guide, which takes a step-by-step approach to building, utilising and maintaining models.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Credit Management

by Carol Baker

Businesses exist to make profits but, despite this, many businesses leak cash through poor credit management. This course looks at the benefits of a solid credit management department, and how you can maintain a robust system that keeps your organisation profitable and resilient.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Financial Modelling: Building a Model

by Samuel Ellis

Financial modelling is an invaluable skill for accountants but in the wrong hands, models can be confusing and misleading. This course will enable you to build models to plan for the future, and to anticipate and react to uncertainty and change.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Writing Effective Financial Reports

by Wayne Bartlett

How do you make sure a report communicates effectively and tells the right story? Maximise the impact of your reports with practical tips and guidance.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Making Monthly Reports Worth Reading

by Ross Maynard

World class finance functions produce monthly reports that managers actually read. This course enables you to delight your audience by setting clear objectives, creating compelling visuals and creating monthly reports that drive business improvement.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Fast and Effective Monthly Reporting

by Wayne Bartlett

Getting monthly reporting right is key in any business. This course ensures you are creating timely, relevant, reliable, and understandable monthly reports that meet user needs and significantly increase the chances of business success.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Ethics in Action: What Would You Do?

by John Taylor

Ethics can be a grey area. This course uses case studies and scenarios to equip you with the necessary tools to recognise potential ethical dilemmas and determine the best approach to them, in line with the ethical framework you adhere to as an accountant.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Corporate Governance

by Lisa Weaver

Good corporate governance entails meeting standards of good practice in relation to board leadership and effectiveness, remuneration, accountability and relations with shareholders.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Preventing Financial Crime

by John Taylor

Understand the various types of financial crime and the controls that can be used to limit the opportunities for fraudsters to commit them. Look at how to create the right culture within an organisation to discourage collusion in fraud and encourage reporting and disclosure.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Hybrid Working

by Anna Faherty

This course shares best-practice guidance about hybrid working for individuals, teams, and managers. From running hybrid meetings to recruitment and team management, you'll explore the skills and tools that enable you and your team to work at your best no matter where you are.

cpd hours4 CPD hours
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Over 1,500 online CPD resources on a wide range of accounting topics.